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Manifestation Thinking is Potentially NOT Bullshit

"It’s going to be out the doors, to the left"

There’s a weird idea out there in the world floating around the minds of vegans and people who believe in the power of crystals: that things manifest in our lives simply because we think about them. This idea that thinking about something enough can make things appear is something I would always be the first to call bullshit on. If desiring things enough made them appear to us, I would have an endless supply of Krispy Kreme donuts at my disposal.

However, this past week I have really been thinking about this bat-shit crazy idea and wondering if maybe there’s something to it. I thought about Paris so much and wanted to live there so badly that eventually I did. Still, that didn't just happen. I had to fill out applications, get a visa, purchase plane tickets etc. in order to make that dream a reality. But one thing that absolutely blew my mind recently is when I was working at the CFDA awards for my internship. Standing amongst celebrities and pointing out tables to lost models was riveting for someone who has spent the better part of her life in the center of the country. But when Anna Wintor herself asked me how to get to the bathroom, I swore I believed in thought manifestation.

If you’re reading this thinking "oh my GOD she’s seriously writing a blog post about this? Haven’t I heard this like a billion times now?", your answer is 1) yes. And 2) hell yes. I spoke to Anna Wintor for Christ’s sake, I’ll be relaying this story to any stranger who dares ask how my day is going for the rest of eternity, so you know I have to post it on the blog. You heard it here first people, thought manifestation is real. Now I’m not saying I would be here telling this story to you on the internet if I hadn’t put in work to get this job. BUT I am saying that my 13 year old self helped me get here by putting in mental work and obsessing over Teen Vogue approximately a million years ago. I’ll leave you with this simple sentence:

“Where is the ladies’ room?”


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