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apparel addictions

Many people think that to have good style is to be ever evolving and to never over-wear anything, but this is just not my reality. If I’m being honest, it’s actually the exact opposite of what I do. If I could describe myself in one word I would say “obsessed”. When I find something I love, I am (triple heart eyes emoji) IN LOVE with it. One might say I have an addictive personality.

The earliest indicator of this that I can remember was when the Twilight books became popular. While some girls in my 6th grade class liked the twilight books and maybe attended the midnight movie premier, I may as well have been ripping the pages up into a fine powder and snorting it. I owned like a disgusting amount of Twilight paraphernalia including the New Moon soundtrack which I listened to every night before bed while snuggling with a furry pillow that I pretended was Jacob in wolf form. I bought this disgusting navy blue jacket because it was an exact replica of the jacket Bella wore when Edward told her he was a vampire. I mean it was like Hannibal Lector level psychotic.

But alas, all good things must come to an end and my Twilight obsession fizzled out after heavy therapy and a tough stint in rehab. However, my addictive personality lives on and I continue to develop unhealthy obsessions with everything I touch. So here, in the “Apparel Addictions” section of my blog, I will be posting those pieces of clothing that I just can’t seem to quit.


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