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5 shows that inspired major late night online shopping in 2015

2015 was a year for the books in terms of television. Countless new hit shows aired, old shows said farewell in final seasons, and Netflix and Hulu dished out a couple note-worthy original series. While some were watching for the compelling storylines, I found myself rewinding to admire the amazing costume design and taking pictures of my screen for fashion inspo (as style freaks may do). I thought as my first and last real post of 2015, I would recap those wonderful distractions that had me neglecting my responsibilities to instead shop online (aka anything on earth).

5. Mad Men

This year, we all bid adieu to Don Draper and friends in the seventh season of Mad Men, and with them, their beautiful wardrobes. Consisting of bright florals, patterns, and endless 2 piece sets, Mad Men's fashion sparked ideas for our 2016 spring wardrobes.

4. Modern Family

Although we don't really think of this show as very fashion-forward, one character stands out as extremely stylish, likely because she works in fashion. Haley Dunphy can rock a floral dress, or jeans and a girly top. Her style is a mix of girly and cool girl, but no matter what, Haley always looks comfy AF which makes her a winner in my books.

3. Pretty Little Liars

This past season, we discovered who "A" was, and also that the original "A", Allison, has the worst style of all the liars. While she still dresses pretty cute, the other four have been out in civilization much longer than Ally who lived a secret life for a while like a recluse. Yes, it is baffling that Allison was the most popular when the other girls have such better taste in clothing than she does, but nonetheless, they all killed it in 2015. In case anyone wanted to know, it is impossible to find a good action shot of all the liars in cute outfits, but I've linked to one staple thing each girl has worn that I have loved, below.

2. The Mindy Project

Making its debut as a Hulu-only series, The Mindy Project is still one of my favorite shows. I die laughing at every episode which could be confirmed by my roommate who I keep up at night with my hysterical laughter. Even though she is now a mom in the show, Mindy is also a working woman and mixes her two roles when it comes to her wardrobe. I am very much not a mom, or a working woman for that matter, yet I can totally see myself stepping into her patterned, colorful, layered looks.

1. Scream Queens

This is my ultimate favorite show of all time and 90% of why I like it is the costume design. What better group of people to dress than rich sorority girls? Because the characters are all disgustingly wealthy and super girly, the sky is the limit with what they can wear. Vaugely reminiscent of Cher in Clueless and Regina George in Mean Girls, Scream Queens is a flurry of pastels, feathers, furs, and chanel.


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