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Theme from New York, New York

Today, I moved into my apartment in Manhattan with the help of my dad, because nothing says "adult" like a 21 year old who needs her dad to carry her suitcase for her! I am having a complete "13 Going on 30" moment here. It feels like just yesterday I was lounging on my zebra print bedding, surrounded by an absurd amount of stuffed animals, listening to the artist formerly known as Ke$ha, day dreaming of living in New York City. And voila! Here I am! I will be working as a publicity intern for a fashion PR agency called KCD in midtown and I feel a bit like Jennifer Garner finding out she works for Poise - VERY excited.

This past semester, I studied in Paris, France. Studying abroad is "normal" for many Boulder students, but feels absurd when all things are considered. Every day I find myself frankly losing my sh*t over how stupidly blessed I am to be able to do all these incredible things and live this amazing life. I have my wonderful parents to thank (along with some screwed up things like historical white privilege obviously, but I digress). Living in Paris has been a dream of mine since I started taking French in high school and now it has been checked off the imaginary bucket list. Paris was amazing in some ways and shocking in others. Not too much self discovery occurred (except for the discovery that I could gain an absurd amount of weight in 4 and a half months by eating too many croissants) and I decided that people thinking you need to travel to "find yourself" is probably some bull sh*t a genius ad exec planted in our brains. "Curse you, advertising!" - an ad major.

I did have a blast in Paris, (slightly) worked on my French, and managed to live among a lot of people who were much more fashionable and angry than I am. It was really a wake up call to see how much angrier I could be! Maybe New Yorkers will teach me a lesson in anger too, I've heard great things.


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